IXL is personalized learning

IXL for high school

Did you know? IXL helps high schoolers create their own path to success

The exact skills you need

Planning a lesson or prepping for an exam?
We've custom-built IXL skills to reinforce each topic within your:

  • State standards

    Ohio Learning Standards

  • Textbooks

    See skills that match every chapter of 80+ popular textbooks

  • Assessments

    Use IXL for the NWEA MAP, ACT, SAT, and more

Find your skill plan!

Discover how IXL supports success for every learner

IXL gives teachers everything they need to personalize instruction

See the impact IXL has made on student learning!

  • Proven<br/>effective


    Research has shown over and over that IXL produces real results.

    See the research
  • Flexible for any<br/>classroom

    Flexible for any

    Read our case studies to see how IXL drives success in classrooms nationwide.

    Hear their stories
  • Trusted by<br/>top teachers

    Trusted by
    top teachers

    The Elite 100 share why they turn to IXL to help their students grow.

    Get inspired


One of my favorite IXL features is the amount of effort IXL puts into making sure problems do not repeat. Another is showing how and why we got a problem wrong. IXL has helped me majorly in school and has taught me numerous problem solving skills in math.

Rithvik C., 8th grade student

North Brunswick, New Jersey